Day 6: Compassion


One of the favorite parts of my job as CIO – Chief Inspiration Officer – of MoverMoms is to find a piece of inspiration to share each week – an article, a video, a quote, a photograph – something that will lift our spirits and refresh our perspective.One video that I think about often takes place in the corridors of a hospital.  It shows different people, some in hospital rooms, others sitting in the waiting lounge, others walking in or being wheeled out, each with a caption giving some idea of what they are going through.   The video starts with a quote from Thoreau, “Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant.”It’s a poignant reminder that we are each going through something. While we may seem ok on the outside, seem to have it all together, it’s hard to know what we’re really feeling on the inside.  Chances are, some pain, some sadness, some insecurity.The video ends with the question:  If you could stand in someone else’s shoes. Hear what they hear. See what they see. Feel what they feel. Would you treat them differently?My dua:  May Allah ease our suffering. May Allah make us more kind towards one another.Day 6, Dua 6: Compassion for each other[youtube=] 


Day 7: College


Day 5: Allah’s Animals