Day 11: Act Pray Love
"Truly God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." Quran 13:11
It's amazing to me that polls still show that most Americans say that they've never met a Muslim. As a community and as individuals, we still need to open up and introduce ourselves to our neighbors, colleagues, classmates, and let them get to know us as friends and fellow Americans. There's a new short film by Unity Productions Foundation called "My Fellow American" that helps encourage these conversations. The film juxtaposes voices of fear with images of Muslims leading their every day lives. As part of the project, Americans are asked to submit a short youtube video about a Muslim they know and respect. Dozens of videos have already been uploaded ( I plan to spread the word and hope you will too. UPF is doing excellent work to promote peace and understanding through the media. Other initiatives are also having an impact. A new magazine, The Islamic Monthly, is providing insightful commentary on politics, culture and society of the Muslim world, addressing angles not typically covered by the mainstream media; and the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding is undertaking cutting-edge research on topics of concern to Muslims in the US and abroad. Muslim Advocates, MPAC, ISNA, and other groups are also doing their part. Sometimes we get too bogged down in our daily routines, and don't take the time or make the effort to use our talents and resources to advance the greater good. My in-box of red flagged messages from organizations wanting me to take action is testimony to my guilt. Today is one month to the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. Our active engagement continues to be vital. I finally circulated UPF's email regarding "My Fellow American", made a financial contribution to an NGO doing good work, planned for my family's participation in the 9/11 Unity Walk and encouraged others to do so too, and stocked my freezer with Saffron Road halal products to support their partnership with Whole Foods. It's easy to live quietly. It's imperative to live mindfully. Day 11: Deed 11: Nurturing our ummah.