Day 8: Sunrise for Somalia


"And they feed, for the love of God, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive." (Quran, 76:8).

The topic of our MoverMoms strategy walk Monday evening was the crisis in Somalia. It is beyond heartbreaking.  We've all seen the images; we've heard the statistics:  29,000 innocent children under the age of five have already died in the past three months. Yes, twenty-nine thousand.  Two thousand people are dying each day.  Yes, two thousand every day.  Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.Rebecca came up with the brilliant idea of doing a "Sunrise for Somalia" walk to raise awareness and funds for this tragic situation.  We'll walk, after suhoor, next Sunday, and ask our members to donate to Islamic Relief, an excellent charity working on the ground to help relieve some of the suffering.  During Ramadan, when we all experience the joy of opening our fast each evening, the thought of millions of people starving to death is too much to bear.  We must do something.  Whatever we can.Please watch this video: do what you can.Day 8: Deed 8: Praying and planning for a new Sunrise in Somalia.


Day 9: Smile


Day 7: Cards that Care