Day 2: Be well, be strong, be healthy
My doctor called me this week and said, “I’ve got good news, and bad news.” Not exactly the words you want to hear from a doctor. “It’s not malignant,” she continued. Allah ka shukr. “But it is atypical.” Oh.The past few months, I’ve finally been focusing on my health, and had scheduled a routine mammogram; proceeded by a more in-depth one; and then a biopsy. I wasn’t worried, thinking it was mostly precautionary, especially since there isn't a serious family history. It turns out ‘atypical’ means precancerous, and I’ll need to have a procedure. What a blessed month to have it done, with everyone’s duas iA.Nothing in life is more important than our health; it’s what allows us to enjoy all of God’s other blessings, with gusto. I thank God for my good health and that of my family. Even this blip is quite manageable iA. My dua for everyone this Ramadan – be well, be strong, be healthy. And for those who are in pain, may Allah alleviate your suffering and give you the strength to carry on.Day 2; Gratitude 2: Health