Day 17: Sisters


Guest blogger: My dear niece Mariya

Three years ago, my father and I traveled to Calcutta to visit my Phoppi and family after too many years.  My father's stories that I've grown up with -- where he was born, the green tram he would ride on Eid, his family's auction house where he would spend hours admiring all the beautiful curios -- played out in front of my eyes, like one of those old motion picture films.  Magic, captured.  One of the most wonderful parts of that trip was meeting for the first time my three nieces, Mariya, Lubna and Sana. Three of the strongest, most wonderful young women I have come to know. We caught up on a lifetime in just a couple of days.  Confirmation that family bonds trump time, distance, even meeting. We talked until late as they asked me so many questions, like how I met Arif; we walked to every tailor to get my sari blouses stitched in a day; we promised we wouldn't let another moment pass to stay connected in each other's lives.  That's why it was such a treat to get this dua from Mariya.  She added, "I may not have met Saanya and Zayd and Arif bhai, but through this blog I have somehow met them, had conversations and will not be a stranger to them when I meet them for real!:)" 

"I was only 23 when I left home to travel to Bangkok for a wonderful work opportunity that came my way right after my Masters. When I was leaving I had never thought that the distance would make me closer to my two lovely sisters in Calcutta.  We started being more expressive of our love towards each other and our bond has only gotten stronger with distance. My Dua today is for them.

Lubna, my elder sister and Sana or ‘Sandy’ (as I fondly call her much to her dislike ;)) my younger sibling, are the two lovely lights in my life. We have gone through some very very tough times, but what made those times pass by was the fact that we three were ‘Together’.   I hope and pray that God fills their life with love , happiness and success and that they always have a reason to smile.  Love you both tonnes!:) "

Day 17, Dua 17: for my Sisterssanamariyalubnamariya+


Day 18: Letting Go


Day 16: Focus