Day 13: Faith, Family, Hope


This year has been the most difficult I’ve faced.  Between parents’ illness and surgery, death in our extended family, and some things I don’t have the courage to write about yet, I was put to Allah’s test. Some days I’m not sure if I passed.  But I’m standing, held together by faith, family, and hope.  And for that I am so grateful.Without the deep embrace of my family in all its layers, there’s no way I could have gotten through.  They formed such tight concentric circles around me, falling was out of the question.  Each doing what they instinctively knew could help – unflinching shoulders to lean on, cry on;  hands and heart held tight night or day;  phone calls and emails of support and sustenance; prayers in overdrive and hugs in abundance; and all the practical things from cooking to babysitting, that make getting through trying times a little easier.Hard times are a fact of life.  Getting through them is an act of faith. Having family like mine is a pact of love.Day 13; Gratitude 13:   Faith, Family, Hope


Day 14: Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake


Faith, Family, Hope