A Blessing for Our Children


Our kids are growing up so fast mA. The past few weeks have been a celebration for the kids in our family: our daughter turned 20 and is already half way through college; our son and nephew graduated from middle school, and our niece from high school; one nephew started a hifz program in his Islamic school, another is President of his high school class; and others are doing the million and one things that delight and amaze and enchant us each day. MashAllah. MashAllah. MashAllah. May Allah protect all our kids, guide them, make them strong, keep them safe, and enable them to reach their own unique potential.I wanted to post a blessing that I shared at my niece's graduation party, in honor of all our kids.To Our Dear Children,May you all be blessed with hope. Never, never give up on yourselves. Know that your dreams are valid and they are reachable; always strive in the direction of your dreams, and we will pray that you get there too.May you be blessed with joy, so much joy, and laughter, and fun times, and wonderful memories – of friends, and new adventures, and learning that opens up your mind and your world to all the possibilities. Seize them all.May you be blessed with courage and conviction and confidence – to believe in who you are and where you come from, to stand up for what is right for yourself and for others.May you be blessed with kindness. Lots and lots of kindness. It’s what makes the world go round. Sprinkle it everywhere you go, with abundance.And may you be blessed knowing that you are loved, so deeply loved. And that we are here, always here. In your court, by your side, cheering you on every step of the way.Ameen.


Celebrating Our Prophet


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